Mini Project & Proof Of Concept

POC::Redis Queue
Redis, with its support for list and set data structures, can be effectively used as a message queue. This means that it can handle multiple tasks that are lined up for processing. The tasks can be processed either immediately or at a certain scheduled time.
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POC & Demo NES.css with 8bit css, Form, Dropdown, Slider, Modal, Tabs, Accordion, Toast, Toast, and more.
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This POC is contain features of liveness-3d, 2d-2d with Browser SDK facetec, You can fork this repo, then improve with another processor e.g. PhotoIDMatch, Enrollment, this POC can scan your face with development server, but in development account with exceed limit from facetec
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In a modern web application, particularly one that involves user-specific content or restricted access areas, authentication and secure token management are critical. Using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) along with JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) provides a robust mechanism for ensuring secure access and efficient user management.
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